Alfredo Barsuglia

Alfredo Barsuglia, born 1980 in Graz, lives and works in Vienna.

Barsuglia has received numerous awards and scholarships, including the Monsignor Otto Mauer Prize (2019), the State Scholarship for Fine Arts (2017), the Art Grand Award of the City of Vienna (2015), the Theodor Körner Prize (2013), the Art Grand Award of the City of Graz (2007) and the MAK-Schindler Scholarship in Los Angeles (2006). 

His works have been exhibited in institutions such as European Capital of Culture Salzkammergut (2024), Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz (2023), Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (2022), Kunsthaus Graz (2021), Museum of Estonian Architecture, Tallinn (2021), Konschthal Esch, Luxembourg (2020), Kunstverein Eisenstadt (2020), Kunstforum Vienna (2019), MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles (2018), MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt (2018), OK Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz (2017), Neue Galerie, Graz (2016), MAK - Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna (2015), MACRO - Museo d‘Arte Contemporanea di Roma / Testaccio (2014), the 4th Moscow Biennial of Contemporary Art (2011) and mumok Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation, Vienna (2010). 

In numerous projects in public spaces such as “Social Pool” in the Mojave Desert, California (2014), “Mariainsel” in Fürstenfeld (2018) or “Abriss” in Graz (2021), he deals with social values and the boundaries and transitions between public and private.