Ayako Rokkaku

Ayako Rokkaku (Chiba, Japan) lives and works between Berlin, Porto, and Tokyo. Her artistic process involves an instinctive and performative approach, as she uses her bare hands to apply acrylic paint. Indeed, Rokkaku stages live painting performances in contexts where her work will be exhibited, bringing the dialogue between the audience and artist as close to one another. 

After nearly two decades of immersing her hands in acrylic and oil paint, Rokkaku expanded her artistic boundaries by challenging herself to create sculptures, using ceramics, bronze, and glass. 

Rokkaku’s visual language seamlessly shifts between elusive abstract formations and figurative elements, drawing inspiration from the kawaii (cute) culture and capturing the boundless imagination of a child. Rokkaku is known for her colourful canvases populated by imaginary landscapes and fantastical characters. 

Rokkaku has been the subject of major solo exhibitions at The Long Museum, China (2023); the Chiba Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan (2020); Museum Jan van der Togt, Netherlands (2019); Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum, Slovakia (2012); and Kunsthal, Netherlands (2011). In 2015, she exhibited at the Swatch Art Pavilion during the 56th Venice Biennale.